Exploring School Nursery Class options: Have You Considered Welsh Medium Education?

As the deadline for nursery class applications approaches on the 17th of February, it's a great time for parents to think about the educational path they want for their child. One option to consider is Welsh medium education, which is gaining increasing attention due to the growing benefits of bilingualism.
Research consistently shows that being bilingual enhances cognitive skills, improves problem-solving abilities, and boosts academic performance. In Wales, the Cymraeg 2050 strategy aims for Wales to be a nation with a million Welsh speakers by 2050, and Wrexham is eager to contribute with strong and inclusive Welsh medium education options.
Did you know that over 90% of children attending Welsh medium schools in Wrexham come from non-Welsh-speaking homes? These schools are well equipped to support children and families on their Welsh language journey, with all communication delivered bilingually. This inclusive approach ensures that no child is left behind, regardless of their starting point with the language.
Several Wrexham schools will be hosting open days before the nursery application closing date, providing an excellent opportunity for parents to explore the benefits of Welsh medium education first-hand. If you already have older children in English medium schools but are keen to explore Welsh language pathways, you might be wondering about the transition. Rest assured, Wrexham offers a Welsh Latecomers Service, which supports children who want to access Welsh medium education up to Year 9. The door to Welsh medium education is never closed, with various pathways in place to help children learn the language.
If you're interested in learning more about Welsh medium education options, don't hesitate to get in touch with your local Welsh school or with the Welsh Latecomers Service. The first step towards bilingualism is just around the corner—why not take the leap today?
Local Welsh medium schools: https://www.agw.cymru/schools/
Welsh Latecomers Service: https://www.agw.cymru/welsh-immersion-and-latecomers/
School admissions information: https://www.wrexham.gov.uk/service/school-admissions/nursery-school-admissions